4/7/2022 (Permalink)

With these storms we've had lately, it's always good to know what to do in case there is a tornado around you.
Below are 4 tips on what to do if there is a Tornado warning in your area!
1. Figure out a safe place to ride out the storm
Do you live in a mobile home? If so, get somewhere safer. Driving in a car? Get home as quickly as you can, and if that's not possible, get to a sturdy building and take shelter.
2. Get away from windows
Regardless of where you're hunkering down, it should be as far away from windows as possible.
3. If a tornado appears while you're on the road...
You should make every effort to find a safe building for shelter. If you can't find one, NEVER hide under an overpass. Instead, find a ditch, get down and cover your head.
4. Don't leave your home and try to drive away from a tornado
Tornadoes can shift their path, and even if you think you're directly in the line of the storm, being inside shelter is safer than being inside a car.
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